Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Red Party 2009


Are you ready to Ride a Vehicle for Change?

Hop on your bike and get yourself to the Red Party '09*

Saturday 29th August @ 8:00pm

Hotel SOHO
124 Davey St
Hobart, Australia

Find 'Red Party '09' on Facebook

$15 + bf / $17 at the door
Cheap drinks, Red Bull bar,
Tasty nibbles
Top music (the Riot Act and DJ Jack Madden)
Sublime company (bring your friends along, old and new)

...raising money for Oxfam Australia's Southern Africa Child Social Protection Program, which aims to improve the lives of HIV/AIDS affected children in South Africa and Zimbabwe...

Red Parties
are used all over the world to raise money for various AIDS causes. Last year, Tasmania raised the second largest amount in the country with over $7000. Some of us are doing it again...

In Tassie the RED party will raise funds for Oxfam Australia’s AIDS Program.

Invite all your friends :)
*This is a strictly overage event

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Impact newsletter

President’s Report

Dear unwitting reader, be you IMPACT member or not: I
say g’day and welcome to the ever infrequent
I do believe the last edition was issued way before my
time... However, now it is my time and very much so,
your time! IMPACT is your global health group that aims
to address issues in developing world health and is very
keen to branch into indigenous health - with your help
The IMPACT committee is currently made up of a very
small but highly motivated group and you can read about
each of our roles below…
Recently, some of us were lucky enough to attend the
AMSA Global Health Conference in Brisbane (I write this
as I sit in the rattling train that takes me to the airport
for my homeward journey). We return full of enthusiasm
to spread the good word and inspire the next
'generation' (cohorts) into action!
This newsletter aims to do just that. I promise it’s not
hard, it doesn't need to compromise your study
(probably enhances it, I'd say!) and it is a rewarding way
to make a small but tangible difference to our great but
often troubled world.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and partying
hard at the RED PARTY on Aug 29th @ Hotel SOHO

Global Health Conference
Like the idea of having to plan a refugee camp, with
limited resources, to keep its residents safe & healthy?
Or being first on the scene at a tuk tuk crash? Or perhaps
you’d rather learn about the amazing positive impact you
could have as a GP in northern Australia.

As a delegate at this year’s Global Health Conference
(GHC) I was lucky enough to give all these things a go,
plus many more. The 5 days spent in Brisbane were
perhaps the most inspiring of my humble medical career
so far. We are in such a privileged position as doctors
and GHC gives a snapshot of what can be achieved.

Next year UTAS is hosting GHC. A fantastic committee is
churning through the process of organizing this event
but we are going to be needing a lot more help. So if you
want to be involved in the amazing event that is GHC
drop a line to the lovely convenors Alex Frain & Luke
( ghc2010.convenors@gmail.com )

United Nations Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs)
One of the most talked about topics at GHC was the
millennium development goals. If you are anything like I
was not so long ago you’d be pretty vague on what these
are. So here’s a little summary…

1) End Poverty and Hunger

2) Universal Education

3) Gender Equality

4) Child Health -Reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate
by 2015

5) Maternal Health
-Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality
-Achieve universal access to reproductive health

6) Combat HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria
-Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the
spread of HIV/AIDS
-Achieve universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS
for all those who need it
-Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the
incidence of malaria & other major disease

7) Environmental Sustainability

8) Global Partnership.

One of the specific aims of the MDG’s is to raise aid
provided by developed nations to 0.7% of their GDP. This
number is considered the minimum needed to make
them a success. So the Global Health Group for Sydney
Uni has set up a campaign to help raise our aid to 0.7%.
It’s called the Kevin 0.7 campaign. Check it out.

I have only written a summary for the 3 MDG’s that
relate to health (bit short on space). But the other 5 are
equally important! So I set you a challenge to find out
what the other five MDG’s are all about. The person to
email me the best paragraph on why one of the other
MDG’s is so important will win a small but deliciously
edible prize. So get reading (they’re pretty fascinating
anyway). rosie_mollison@hotmail.com

Roles on the IMPACT Executive

President: Being president, ideally is about being a good
leader, motivating & inspiring your team to get things
done. The main role involves lots of following up,
checking that people are getting the important things
done, as well as putting together project proposals & the
occasional meeting & phone call.

Secretary: Emails, letters phone calls & generally being
the sheep dog of IMPACT, rounding up the team. The
minutes from this years meetings have been exceptional.

Treasurer: Like money? Although this may not be the
biggest budget you’ll every work with (yours is probably
bigger) it’s a great way to learn about money

Publicity Officer: Our publicity officer is the creative
genius of IMPACT. They come up with poster designs,
publication lay outs & generally present and promote
IMPACT to show off its best side.

GHN Representative: That’s me, or you perhaps in
future? The link between the Global Health Network
(GHN) for Australia & our own little Global Health Group
(GHG), IMPACT. Attending monthly teleconference
meetings to hear what’s going on in GHG’s around Aus.

Towards the end of this semester, the IMPACT executive
will be handing over to the next generation. It’s a great
group to get involved with as the small size of the
executive allows a lot of control over the activities you
do. The events this year have been very rewarding and a
lot of fun to organize.

Upcoming Events (and how to get involved)


Have you heard that RED is racing back into town?
Get on yer bike and help be part of it...

RED parties are used all over the world to raise money
for various AIDS causes and in its second year running,
IMPACT will again host 'the party of the year' for Oxfam
Australia's Southern African Child Social Protection
Program, which aims to improve the lives of HIV/AIDS
affected children in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Med school all around the country will be hosting similar
events this year - so get among the action - and lets make
Tassie the biggest one yet! Last year we raised over $7
000 and had more than 400 guests (one of the most
successful of all Aussie med schools) - this year lets make
it to $10 000 and get 700 guests!

At Hotel SOHO on August 29th, there'll be a party you'd
be crazy to miss. DJ Jack Madden, of last years RED
PARTY fame, and a local band (tba) will keep the tunes
roling all night, so all you dance floor madmen/ladies can
shred the rug to pieces (not literally please)...
There'll be an awesome raffle with the major prize, a
night for two at Freycinet Lodge, costume prizes (a red tshirt
or classic red dress will probably not get you the
prize, but at least get you in the door :P) and a fiery red
cocktail to go with the red hot finger food :)
If you want to know more about the party, or the project
we are supporting, please contact us at
Remember its all about having a good time for a good
cause :)


Coming projects, ideas and ways to get involved (beyond
red party...)

- Electives and travel experiences photo comp: email
your best photo from your elective overseas or in
indigenous communities to impact.utas@gamil.com and
we will publish the top 5 submissions as postcards to be
sold at events - awareness raising and to inspire others
to consider a career in humanitarian healthcare

- Later in the year (Sept/Oct) IMPACT would like to host
an information evening with Medecins Sans Frontieres
(MSF) to give you an idea about what a career in the
developing world might be like, and also the different
pathways you can take to get there

- Another activity IMPACT would like to get off the
ground would be the compilation of "birthing packs",
simple disposable kits (containing gloves, scalpels etc)
designed to reduce the risk of maternal and infant deaths
during labor

If one of these projects sparks your fancy, please let us
know and hopefully we can get the ball rolling :)
The Occasional.
(IMPACT Newsletter)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There will be much redness at uni today:
At 12 we are making a human AIDS ribbon
We are selling red cupcakes, there will be red lollies, red balloons, red inflatable thongs (just wait till you see them!), red ribbons, red people, red gnomes, red washing lines and maybe some red bull. Meet us outside Lazenbys at 12 and see what the fuss is about! You can get your Red Party tickets, or just grab some lucky raffle tickets.

Red Raffle: tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5
1st prize - 1 night for 2 people at Freycinet Lodge (valued at over $400)
2nd prize - Bruny Island Charters cruise for 2 (valued at over $200)
3rd prize - $150 Myer voucher
4th prize - Cadbury chocolate hamper

Raffle tickets and Red Party tickets on sale today, and from Impact/Red Party reps until and on the night.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mr Red stepping out...

Check out the video Kate made with Mr Red heading into Hotel Soho... Follow in his footstep on August 30th with the RED Party.
There is also another version of the clip on the facebook page.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Supported by...

Even in its early days, Red Party already has some generous sponsors. Federal Group in the from of Freycinet Lodge and Pure Tasmania have donated one night for two people at Freycinet Lodge, including breakfast. This generous prize will be one of several great prizes that could be yours - if you buy the lucky raffle ticket!

Pink granite mountains, white sand beaches, grey-green casuarinas, seawater blue as turqouise – they are the colours of Freycinet, a premiere holiday destination with luxury accommodation on Tasmania’s East Coast.

You can watch some TV commercials for the various Federal Group projects here.

Raffle tickets, as well as RED PARTY tickets, will be on sale soon!

Friday, July 18, 2008